
Monday, June 18, 2007

Best Practices – HTML Email

Provide administration center in your email: Admin center in your HTML Email connect your potential clients to you and helps to distinguish you from other mails. A unsubscribe link and link to your privacy policy should also include in HTML email HTML Email Template.

Provide search Function: Don’t forget to include search functionality in your HTML email. This allow subscriber to search for product, services, company information etc. directly from HTML Email instead of first move to your web site.

Forward to Friend link: Including forward to friend” link in your HTML email design is more practical then including message asking them to forward your message to others friend. This link send request through your server and helps you to track the person who forwarding your message.

Link to Web Version: Some client’s email environment blocks images or don’t read Html Email properly. It becomes difficult to client to read the HTML email. To solve this problem always create a web version of your HTML email Newsletter and provide link in your message.

Provide Email Address: Sometimes subscribers may have some query about your product or services in their mind. It’s important to clear their doubt else it will create bad impression about your company in their mind. To overcome these type of problems always include your email Id in your HTML email so that they can contact to you regarding their queries.

Add to sender recipient list: Today most of the internet users use spam filters to block the unwanted emails. These filters delete the emails that are not present in the receiver’s address book. This could also happen to your HTML email also. To avoid this add some line like” To ensure this email is delivered to your inbox, please add the email address” at the top of your HTML Email. It is important step in getting your emails into the inbox.
